Our Wants — Pala international

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912 Live Oak Park Rd South
Fallbrook, CA, 92028
United States

+1 (760) 728-9121

Pala International has consistently earned its reputation as the direct source for the finest colored stones.

Our Wants

Our Wants

The only way to sell quality is to buy it. We are always looking to buy quality stones. Below is a short list of what we’re willing to consider:

  • Fine ruby and sapphire, in sizes of 2.5 carats and above, particularly if untreated
  • Fine star ruby and star sapphire, as above
  • Fine demantoid garnet, in sizes of one carat and above
  • Fine alexandrite chrysoberyl in sizes of 3 carats and above
  • Mineral collections with top-quality specimens
  • Antiquarian books and book collections on gems, jewelry, minerals, and travel

KEEP IN MIND:  Due to the volume of offers we receive we reserve the right to respond to only those that fall within the parameters of our needs at a given point in time. Don’t take it personally if you don’t receive a reply.

If you have something you think might interest us, please call at +1 760-728-9121 or use the form below. Note that we cannot buy anything sight unseen. You may also show us goods at one of the many gem and mineral shows we exhibit at each year. Or send us a JPG digital image.

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